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Friday, August 12, 2016

Joy of Eating

First of all, I would say that please dont laugh while reading this post. This is a very serious topic. 
Many of us survive to eat whereas others eat to survive. Joy of eating cannot be felt by everyone. However, one who feel it are not considered as very lucky. This is because others also feel it about them. This is when they put on a number of pounds. 

Joy of eating when exceeds its limit, it converts to joy of overeating. This means that once cannot have joy of eating merely because of eating, rather he will have to over eat to feel joy of eating. 

A person went to a party, where he ate too much and had full joy of eating. When he was done, he put his hands on his tummy because had too much that his tummy was very panic. A friend of him asked him to take some medicine to digest the food. He told his friend, "Stupid! had I space for a medicine in my stomach for digestion, I would have taken more food instead". 

So, this becomes the "Joy of Eating" in real sense for people like above. They keep on and on weight and as the weight grows, the hunger grows and consequently joy of eat grows for ever. 

Here I have some tips which are I know very difficult for such people but just follow one by one on daily basis and I hope that they will come out of such joyousness. 

  1. Finish your own plate and not others as well. 
  2. Pick out small plate for you rather a big one.
  3. Take out food in your small plate just once and not more than one.  
  4. Properly grind your morsel in your mouth, just 5min for one. 
  5. When others finish eat, you should also finish eating. 
  6. Try to add extra black pepper and chopped green chilies to your meal so that you may also take plenty of water 
  7. Every time when someone offers you more food turn your head in left right direction for three times. 
  8. Make a big portion of your plate from salads. 
  9. Whenever you pass by any food street or junk food outlet, keep your nose straight. Don's turn left right. 
  10. Do breakfast, lunch and dinner just once a day. Avoid doing double or more breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
  11. Always eat your ownmade food. Everytime make it fresh. Condition is that you go to shop on daily basis by foot rather going on a vehicle, and purchase the raw materials from the shop which is beyond your house. Then bring the food raw material at home and then prepare/cook your food. This will also increase the value of food for you as you have done it with great effort. 
  12. With every morsel read the bill of food raw material which you purchased. Also keep anyother bills you need to pay with your meals. Go through all that. I hope that while doing this you will think about cost of your food aswell. 
  13. Make three portions of your stomach keep one for air, once for food and once for water. Dont fill air and water portions with food. 

If you take above steps, I hope that this will help you enjoy your food as well as control your weight. The purpose of this post is not to dis-heart you if you are overweight. Let me tell you there are many advantages of overweight for you and your friends. 

You can hardly be kidnapped due to your weight. Your friends will benefit, if they will have a race competition with you, they will always win.    

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