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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Save Your Face to Save Money

Many of us spend a lot money on cosmetics and skin facial treatments to look better and have a fresh looking skin. Which is a temporary solution to the skin. Make up wearing is also another technique. If not done properly and removed properly, it will cause a great damage to skin.

Hence a better and cost effective solution is to use natural products to treat, which is also without side effects. There is no alternative to natural beauty. Herbal products are easy to use and give a long lasting effect to the skin.

For oily skins, use of lemon juice added in water is very good. Oils appear in morning in T zone of the face. If oils are not properly cleared, pimple will appear in skin in a very short time. Oily skins normally do not get wrinkles early ages.Use of Fast Foods and Fried Foods should be avoided.

Dry skin is a bit dangerous in a sense that wrinkles appear very quickly ie. from the age of 35years. However, not to worry, this can be controlled by providing proper moisturizers and essential oils to skins. Use of egg yolk, apple juice, and honey is good for dry skin.

Normal skins normally do not have such issued which are associated with above two types of skins. Just properly clean your skin and be happy.

So, save your face and save your money and keep it in your bank account, use natural products which are easily available at your home. Don't go for expense products and treatments.


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