Now a days a good shopping has become a challenge for those who can hardly make both ends meet. We have a lot of options to choose among and we have a lot of prices as well. We want to opt for the best and wish to pay less. However, everyone must agree that for doing a good shopping a lot of time is spent.
Single Item Shopping
First of all you should have knowledge of all outlets where your desired item is available. You should also have a list of prices and a description of quality of the item each outlet is offering. If you have all this your will compare and choose a combination of price and quality of your desired item. This will be your optimum combination.
Now this is a fact that you will have to spend time to search all the above. Spare a full day for such kind of shopping. But must remember to record everything for next time so that when you need the same item again, you don't need to search all outlets again.
Share with Friends
Do share with your friends that you have got that item in that much price so they will also benefit from this or otherwise they will inform you if they have a better experience of shopping that item.
It is also possible that you first discuss with your friends if they have an experience of purchasing that product, and if you trust them, you will save time.
The above is about buying a single item. However, for your normal households and groceries, you will have a big list of items. What to do now? Its better to shop each month all the items from a different outlets. Keep the bills with you and when all the outlets you have done shopping with, keep all bills in front of you and compare prices of items. You will have to spend a good time to develop a list of all items which are available in less price on each outlet. Keep this list for future reference. Doing this will save your time and money in future.
Rest of the Poeple
The other people like me dont like to spend time on shopping. They will always shop on the nearest outlet to avoid traveling too far and also to save time. They will even not bother to search a single outlet for different qualities, rather they will for what they need and when the shop boy will show them the very first piece, they will purchase it.
A Wise Decision
In such situations, what can be a wise decision? This question is left for you, I also want an answer. I would be grateful, if you supply me your precious view, what do you think about it?
Shopping is really difficult. Its not very easy task. But Its good to make some effort for saving money.
ReplyDeletegood ideas have been given here.